Have you ever been online reading about Disney parks and come across expressions and words that don’t make any sense? Disney has been selling vacation and dreams for many years, and in that time they’ve created several words to describe some of the magic they create. It’s happened since the beginning, you can even see old videos footage of Walt explaining “Audio Animatronics” from the 1960s.
Here at Talented Tourist, we want to help you understand what these words mean, and in some cases where they’ve come from. Some Disney words are created by the marketing department at Disney, some are created by fans and in some cases they’re not actually created by Disney at all. This is a deep dive glossary of terms we use on our site, Disney uses in their marketing and that the internet on the whole uses when talking about Disney.
Do you have a Disney word you that you don’t know, or maybe one you do. Let use know what it is and so we can add it to our list.
Our Latest Words: